Monday, November 1, 2010

Some girls are just special.

 Ever notice that the greats and the famous people felt like the losers and outcasts and uglies early in life. If they hadnt gone through that would they have paid enough attention to their talents to be where they are today?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Put it in writing. Anything you've been putting off. Now of course you have to be willing to do it, but writing it will help motivate you.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Enjoying the things you dread.

I kinda feel like we're wasting life if we're always dreading something. I mean it is natural. There's always gonna be something we don't wanna do, but maybe we can lessen the dread by trying to enjoy some of the things we dread. Even if the only thing you can think to enjoy out of something is when it's over. Continue to think about that. Don't think, "Oh... this sucks. I wish it were over now." Instead think of what a relief you'll feel when it's over. Try to enjoy completing tasks you don't like instead of dreading doing them. Even if you'll only enjoy the completion of a task it's better than focusing on how you don't like the task. But if there is something else that you can enjoy besides the completion, focus on that above the bad things. I think it can help with enjoyment in life. If we constantly are feeling a sense of dread, we can't let go enough to enjoy life. There's always going to be something you don't like. By learning to change your mood (thinking on the good things in everything instead of dreading) you can be on your way to enjoying life more.

I don't have much more to say on the subject, so I hope what I did say made sense. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'll be honest.

I don't know everything about living. All these blog posts of mine that say what you should do or what would help is just me trying to figure out anyway to improve my life. If it helps you, that makes me so happy. But it's not me telling you what you have to do. It's me just trying to come up with ideas. These ideas stem from me wondering why or wanting more. I'm going to be honest and say that a lot of my own blog posts and ideas have not helped me. But that doesn't mean they can't help anyone. They just personally have done nothing for me. But I leave them up with the hope that maybe somebody can use them. I'm not going to take them away just because it doesn't help me. Not everything's meant to help me.

But onto my original point, honestly I get sad frequently because I don't feel like I'm living life. I don't know what it will take. I sit at home all day. I don't see any of my friends in person anymore. I don't know what kind of life I want, but I know it's more than this. Embarrassingly enough, I want to cry right now. Cry for the life that I'm missing out on because I don't know how to put myself out there and into life. I will continue trying to think of what I need to do. Feel free to comment. If anybody reads this at all. <3

Forever searching.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I often think "How can people not love all the creative things I love? Why don't they think it's awesome too?" I admit I'm quick to judge anybody who is obsessed with sports. I don't understand it. Then I think, "How can they judge me?" Wait... I judge them. Ever notice that some people who think they "accept everyone" are the ones who judge a lot. I am so guilty of this. I see girls all the time who I automatically write off as annoying because their entire wardrobe is from a store I don't like. I also often write a lot of guys off as tools by their haircut or laugh. Stupid I know. I think judging starts from having bad experiences with multiple people who look a certain way. Then we all segregate ourselves from people who look or dress like people we've had bad experiences with. I'll admit it's hard not to judge people sometimes. Sometimes it's entertaining or funny. As bad as that sounds, it's become natural to do. But what if we never had those preconceived notions. What if we were all just people? What if we spent more time focusing on what we want to do or be instead of focusing on all the people that annoy you or all the people that you think you won't like. Well, if you're out and you see someone who looks like someone you wouldn't get along with, hold your tongue. Odds are you'll never see them enough to get to know them. So, it really doesn't matter. All it does is stir up feelings of agression. I mean who wants to be irritated all the time? You be you. Let people be just people. Does that make you feel less weighed down? If you don't like to be judged, don't judge. Or at least don't complain about being judged when you do it too.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If it makes you happy... ♪

Are you happy? Why not? You don't have a reason to be happy? Find one. It's like when you're growing up and you say, "I'm bored." Which of course your mom replies, "You're old enough to entertain yourself." Well, odds are if you're reading this you're old enough to make yourself happy. Okay, I mean there are exceptions. I've struggled with depression myself. If you're noticing mood issues that you can't control by all means talk to a doctor above all. <3 There's no shame in taking medication. People take medication to help them. That's what it's there for. Everyone's taken forms of medication. So, if you need to, talk to a doctor. :) But moving on, you can still try to change your mood. I do. Find various things throughout the day that make you hopeful, that make your outlook brighter. A song, a walk, a talk, a dream, a hobby, anything. Create, dream, and above all live. I say above all live, but you're probably thinking, "Why above all live? Doesn't that mean doing things you don't want to?" Well, that's life. Life is doing things you don't want to. Living is being alive. What does being alive mean to you? Find the positive things that make you feel alive and cling to them. When life is hard on you, you can still be happy living. You know why? Because you know how to define your own living. Living is what makes you happy. You can go to the things that make you happy when life is difficult. Living how you define it is amazing, but don't forget to live in this life too. You can enjoy the good parts of life and grieve in the bad parts of life. But with the bad parts of life, you now have a security blanket, so to speak. That is the things that you do or dream of and take comfort in.

I hope this post has made some sense. It's a little rambly. :p Smile? For me? For you? For anything. :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

You have a life.

Are you excited about life right at this moment? Why or why not? Do you find yourself always saying, "I don't have a life." Yes, you do. You can hang onto life for the ride or you can take the reigns into your own hands. You have a life. It's yours to develop and mold. What do you want? And don't tell me 'a life.' What do you want to change in the life you're already given? Leave a comment if you wish. :) Tell me what you want, but here's the catch: Start to set it into action. Even if it's just by tiny steps. Enjoy the tiny steps towards the completed project.

I feel like I'm writing the same thing over and over. Ideas of what I should write about next?