Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dayquil and Love.

I'm sick. With what I don't know, but it keeps getting worse. I finally gave in and broke into the Dayquil today. ...The packaging seal is kicking my butt right now. It just won't open. It's one of those dramatic moments where you think an object hates you, you're so worn out, and you just burst into tears. Hey, don't look at me like I'm crazy! You've done it too! When you're so worn out, it seems like everything's emotional. "I asked you to shut the door. What do you have against me??? -sniffle- -tear-"

But now that I've finally opened the Dayquil, and I feel better, onto my original point. Why is it that we all want love, but sometimes we think it doesn't meet our standards? Is this love? Don't I get fireworks? Cue the background music! Where's the romantic background music? Oh, well, maybe this isn't true love then.

This seems like the mindset of a lot of people today. If it doesn't meet their unreasonable expectations, it's not true love. Well, true love is not a movie that you're directing. True love is better described as a rollercoaster, no matter how stereotypical that is. Sure, there are great moments where you feel as if you could almost hear music. There are also moments when you just feel like great friends. Then there are moments where you may forget about the importance of doing little things for each other. You think, well why am I not feeling overjoyed right now? Well, maybe you need to start doing the things that you expect the other person to do. You can't just expect to be pleased every moment and forget to give anything back. That's not love at all. Sure, love can come along with amazing feelings, but love is more of an action than a feeling. I think it's more accurate to say "I Love You" or "I am loved" then to say "I feel loved." Feelings can be deceiving, but actions are true. Even saying "I am loved" is more true then "I feel loved." So, maybe we should be more concerned about what we do then how we feel. One last thing, there is no "true love." There is only love. If it's not true then it's not love. And love is not merely reserved for romantic couples. Love is for everyone. Show love to everyone.

Loving you.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Being sick sucks... Oooo... coffee...

I hate being sick. (But who doesn't?) I can't think or focus on anything for long. I can only focus on simple comforts and pleasures. (That sounds like a name for a store my mom would like...) One simple comfort I will not be denied is coffee. It's warm and tasty (if you aren't too sick to taste) caffeinated goodness. It just makes me happy. Simple as that.

It would be nice to travel the world and try as many variations of coffee as possible. Mmmm... There's a beautiful dream for my life.

I apologize for not writing much today. I do not feel good. I just want to drink my coffee and finish my work. Ahhh... I don't think it really matters how much I have to say right now since I only have 2 followers, is it? Do all humans naturally seek fame or is that just me?

Will you remember my name?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Getting started... Is it not the worst part of any task?

Today is a rainy day. I love rainy days. I think I'd prefer years full of rainy days with occasional sunny days. Rain never ruins my vacations as it does for most people. If there is not a rainy day on my vacation, it's not a perfect vacation. But the downside to rainy days is that they make it harder for me to work. Rainy days are so beautiful to me. They spark my imagination, my desire for fun and adventures. Unfortunately, they seem to downsize my work ethic. It's very difficult to get started on work when you are this happy and relaxed. It's like getting a restful night of sleep, and in the morning you feel so refreshed and happy that you just want to lay in bed smiling and day dreaming. That's what the rain does to me.

But I know I'll be happier tonight if I get something done. So, I'm going to work real hard now. I wish I hadn't woken up so late, but tomorrow I have the option to wake earlier. And today I have the option to work really hard. I guess I have to. Motivation doesn't usually work for me. I just have to do it. Once I start, it gets easier. I usually gain a higher work ethic after starting because I feel like I can just keep going. Therefore, I can't sit around until I get a revelation or hear a motivational quote or anything. I just have to do it. (I guess Nike's theme "Just do it" has some truth to it... If you get past the suggestive part...haha.)

This is for my own good.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm putting my blog above... my need to be clothed?

I'm sitting here, not fully clothed after getting a shower. Suddenly, I feel the desperate need to... Blog? Hopefully my wet hair won't damage my laptop because dang it! this is important! Not really...

So, yesterday I did fine. I defeated the period monster! Came close to overdosing on advil, but hey... So, today I'm going over to the boyfriend's house to spend the night and go to his graduation the next morning. We have to be there at 7 am and it's 3 hours away. Guess who's leaving at 3:30 in the morning??? Woot.

Actually, I'm nervous about staying the night at his house. I think I have a teensy bit of social anxiety, but I don't want anyone to know. SO, what better way to keep a secret than to blog about it! Shhhhhh... It's a secret...

Faithfully yours.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dresses and Monsters...

Why in movies does it seem stereotypical that a pretty girl in a dress always is the one getting caught then saved.... and if not that... the pretty girl in a dress is the monster. I think if I were to defeat a big scary monster, I'd do it in a dress just to prove girl power. (Girls go through a lot. We're pretty freaking strong. And don't even get me started on our tolerance for pain...)

Today I feel like crap. I'm being attacked by the period monster. On top of that, I'm going dress shopping. Apparently, I feel the need to show my period who's boss. It doesn't like that. I don't know why it is, but I get cramps worse than anybody I know. Does anybody else feel my pain?

I need to find a dress to wear to my boyfriend's graduation. (I was praying that my period wouldn't come until next week, but it's a monster. And monster's are evil...) So, I'm going dress shopping while dealing with unbearable pain.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm... bored? But I have so much to do.

There comes a time each day when we must stop. Throw in the towel whether you're done with it or not. Because face it, we ALL need breaks. Multiple breaks are great. At least one per day, I'd say is necessary. I finished one whole unit including quizzes, test, and one essay. Plus, I did two more essays. I feel pretty self-accomplised. I almost want to go on, but I know I'm going to burn out if I do. So, what do we do when we're tired, have done so much work, but still feel the need to do more? We let it go for the night. I feel that's best. Just imagine setting the thoughts of your work outside and leaving it there and coming inside to relax. Pick it up again tomorrow.

So now, I'm thinking about my dreams. I have, what I would like to call, impossible dreams. I've dreamt of becoming a singer/songwriter. This is so far, my biggest "impossible" dream. It's at the top of the list. I take voice lessons actually. Plus I write poetry. But I've never written music. I feel I can't, but guess what? I know someone who's good at it and has before. So, if I team up with them and they take initiative for awhile that's a step in the right direction. But even if all that happened, I still feel it's impossible. Why? I'll tell you if I figure out any actual reasons. But since I can't, why am I holding myself back?

More impossible dreams to come tomorrow, but for tonight...

Sweet Dreams.

We want so much, but we do so little.

I want a beautiful life. But I don't know where to start. Maybe instead of just thinking of all the things we want to happen, we should do more. I'm still in highschool. I'm homeschooling online this year. I've gotten way behind so I can't even focus on what I want. I figure I should just do that, then think when I have free time. I'm not going to be thinking when I should be doing stuff. Today, I'm going to try to finish a unit in one subject and get halfway through another. What I want is to get this school work behind me for the year as fast as possible. There's something small that I know that I want. It's not very big, but it's my starting place.

I've concluded that you can't get what you want if you have things to be done. It does not matter if they are related to what you want or not. You still need to get them done first. You'll feel stuck, and only be dreaming until you get accomplished whatever has been hanging over your head. So, for now, dream if you want. But spend more time getting everything out of the way that you don't like. I'm sure we'll both feel better when nothing is looming over our heads. I've let this go way to long. Today, I will change. I will do. I will not put it off and think of other things.

So, hopefully, I will feel held accountable for my actions since I've just stated what I will do. Update tonight on whether I accomplished enough for today, or not.

Till then.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My first post.

The title reminds me of a children's book. But ah well. This post will not be too long, for I am new at this. I will be posting whatever my heart desires here.
Info about my title, etc: I titled my blog I Dream A Beautiful Life because I dream of an awesome life! I tend to think more than I do. I wait for life instead of taking it into my own hands. I'm going to be taking steps towards creating my beautiful life instead of just waiting for it to happen. This summer, especially. I am realizing that what you do is more important than what you think, therefore I might as well write my thoughts because then I am doing something, am I not? Maybe someone would like to read my thoughts and share their own with me?

If anybody sees this and has any advice about blogging, please comment. :) Also, if you have any tips for steps towards enhancing my pretty, pretty life, do share.

Much love.