Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm nothing but a dreamer.

We romanticize everything so much that we love the idea of things more than the actual things. We romanticize books, but we don't always read them. We don't always have interest in everything we love, if that makes sense. We love the beauty or the looks of things, but we don't love any work involved with things. At least I don't. I'm like a child to whom everything is new and beautiful, there is nothing bad. Except, for work of course. How do we get to work when we have this "dreamer" personality? I never get what I want because I never accomplish what I need to. We romanticize struggle and hard work to death, but we don't put it into action. Of course we don't. Who wants to willingly thrust themselves into struggle? I sure don't. But here's a tip. Just start. That's all you have to do. That's the first step each dreamer needs to take. Just start. If not now then when? You'll never start if you don't start. Simple. You cannot finish what you never started. Don't wait for the end. Create the end. Start now. Stop romanticizing everything and start doing everything. If not now then never. Start now.

Dreaming romanticly...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Talent and putting it to use instead of wasting away.

If you don't put your talents or at least most of them to use, they're not the only things that are going to waste away. I think you will waste away also. Or that's what I've experienced. People have said I have a talent for writing, now whether I believe it or not I should put it to use. Never quit because you don't have a high opinion of yourself. You'll never get anything done that way. But anyways, maybe put your talent to use for the ones who enjoy it or get something from it. If you're like me and used to raising others above yourself and constantly dragging yourself down, then do it for someone you love. Find your reason whatever it may be. But don't let wasting your talent waste you away. A talent is something that can keep you going. You can do it with ease, which makes you want to continue on. Then you receive self-accomplishment feelings when you're finished. But you'll waste away in idolness if you don't add using talents into your daily routine. It gives you a purpose and a desire to keep moving and a desire to obtain a more beautiful life. What is beautiful to you? What are your talents?

Now, not everything is going to be a talent. But you're going to have to get through those things anyways. How do you do it? Does it help to start your day off with something you love? Or does it help to save it for last? Or does it change day to day for you? I think mine is the last. I have no method that constantly works. It always changes for me. So, I just have to do it. I am not very good and efficient in  speaking on this matter in this paragraph, for I struggle very much with it. But if anyone has anything to say on this matter, I'd be delighted to hear it.

Imperfect, but beautiful that way.