Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If it makes you happy... ♪

Are you happy? Why not? You don't have a reason to be happy? Find one. It's like when you're growing up and you say, "I'm bored." Which of course your mom replies, "You're old enough to entertain yourself." Well, odds are if you're reading this you're old enough to make yourself happy. Okay, I mean there are exceptions. I've struggled with depression myself. If you're noticing mood issues that you can't control by all means talk to a doctor above all. <3 There's no shame in taking medication. People take medication to help them. That's what it's there for. Everyone's taken forms of medication. So, if you need to, talk to a doctor. :) But moving on, you can still try to change your mood. I do. Find various things throughout the day that make you hopeful, that make your outlook brighter. A song, a walk, a talk, a dream, a hobby, anything. Create, dream, and above all live. I say above all live, but you're probably thinking, "Why above all live? Doesn't that mean doing things you don't want to?" Well, that's life. Life is doing things you don't want to. Living is being alive. What does being alive mean to you? Find the positive things that make you feel alive and cling to them. When life is hard on you, you can still be happy living. You know why? Because you know how to define your own living. Living is what makes you happy. You can go to the things that make you happy when life is difficult. Living how you define it is amazing, but don't forget to live in this life too. You can enjoy the good parts of life and grieve in the bad parts of life. But with the bad parts of life, you now have a security blanket, so to speak. That is the things that you do or dream of and take comfort in.

I hope this post has made some sense. It's a little rambly. :p Smile? For me? For you? For anything. :)

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