Monday, August 23, 2010

Life creates stress, but stress doesn't create life.

How can you live when under large amounts of stress each day? Are you really living? I know you have plenty of reasons to justify your stress, but do those reasons justify tearing yourself down? Because that's what stress does if you allow it. It tears you down. Do multiple relaxing/enjoyable things each day. That doesn't mean your whole day will be enjoyable. If you're running short on time, try to find something good about what you're working on or what's stressing you out. Look forward to the future when the task or stress is over. But at the same time live in the moment. If you have to dream a little to get through life, that's fine. But don't dream instead of living. Dream when you must, but live more. We waste our lives away because we're always looking forward to the next big thing or passing some big mark in life. Don't say, "I'll be able to live when ______ is over." Live through it. You might miss some good memories if you don't. Or go out of your way to create life in the mundane days. Do what makes you feel alive everyday. Don't wait for life. It's not coming. It's waiting for you.

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