Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I often think "How can people not love all the creative things I love? Why don't they think it's awesome too?" I admit I'm quick to judge anybody who is obsessed with sports. I don't understand it. Then I think, "How can they judge me?" Wait... I judge them. Ever notice that some people who think they "accept everyone" are the ones who judge a lot. I am so guilty of this. I see girls all the time who I automatically write off as annoying because their entire wardrobe is from a store I don't like. I also often write a lot of guys off as tools by their haircut or laugh. Stupid I know. I think judging starts from having bad experiences with multiple people who look a certain way. Then we all segregate ourselves from people who look or dress like people we've had bad experiences with. I'll admit it's hard not to judge people sometimes. Sometimes it's entertaining or funny. As bad as that sounds, it's become natural to do. But what if we never had those preconceived notions. What if we were all just people? What if we spent more time focusing on what we want to do or be instead of focusing on all the people that annoy you or all the people that you think you won't like. Well, if you're out and you see someone who looks like someone you wouldn't get along with, hold your tongue. Odds are you'll never see them enough to get to know them. So, it really doesn't matter. All it does is stir up feelings of agression. I mean who wants to be irritated all the time? You be you. Let people be just people. Does that make you feel less weighed down? If you don't like to be judged, don't judge. Or at least don't complain about being judged when you do it too.

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