Friday, May 14, 2010

I'm putting my blog above... my need to be clothed?

I'm sitting here, not fully clothed after getting a shower. Suddenly, I feel the desperate need to... Blog? Hopefully my wet hair won't damage my laptop because dang it! this is important! Not really...

So, yesterday I did fine. I defeated the period monster! Came close to overdosing on advil, but hey... So, today I'm going over to the boyfriend's house to spend the night and go to his graduation the next morning. We have to be there at 7 am and it's 3 hours away. Guess who's leaving at 3:30 in the morning??? Woot.

Actually, I'm nervous about staying the night at his house. I think I have a teensy bit of social anxiety, but I don't want anyone to know. SO, what better way to keep a secret than to blog about it! Shhhhhh... It's a secret...

Faithfully yours.

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